WP Devs – Custom WordPress Theme

    This is a Custom WordPress theme, completed for educational purposes as part of the Udemy Course WordPress Theme Development from Scratch 2.0

    This course included:

    1. Custom header and footer
    2. Custom page templates for index.php, page.php, page-home.php, single.php, search.php, archive.php and 404.php
    3. Theme Support for page headers, post thumbnails and custom logos
    4. Creation of two widgets, the sidebar widget and a services widget for the homepage
    5. How to integrate comments into posts and pages
    6. A custom search bar
    7. Both default and numeric pagination
    8. WordPress theming requirements including HTML5, integrating RSS feeds and WordPress Core CSS
    9. Using the Theme Customizer to create sections for copyright, the homepage Hero and the blog
      1. The hero section included an image, H1 title, subtitle, button text and a button link
    10. Internationalization using Poedit
    11. WordPress security including validation, sanitation and escaping
    12. How to use Elementor page builder for theming
    13. How to integrate Gutenblocks into a custom WordPress theme including using theme support, adding custom styles and the use of theme.json

    Link: https://github.com/raynamcginnis/WP-Devs


    • WordPress
    • PHP
    • HTML
    • CSS